Thursday, October 31, 2019

Balance Score Card Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Balance Score Card - Essay Example of the management in terms of implementation of the strategy balance scorecard is often used by the management to analyze whether the objectives have been properly implemented or not. Balanced score card is the most popular tool of performance management. Balanced scorecard helps the manager in keeping a track on the progress of the activities and matching them with the desired level. In this project the balance scorecard of the Coca-Cola Company has been made on the basis of the four different perspective and objectives of each perspective. Different types of metrics have also been used to let in building the balanced scorecard. Performance management is very important for every company. It enables the management to assess the performance of the company and also helps the company to analyze the loop holes or the room for improvement. It helps the management to identify the direction in which the organization is moving. It helps the organization to perform better by enabling the organization. The performance management is done on the basis of various tools of performance management system. The performance management system helps the organization to plan control and measure the performance of activities of the organization beforehand. The different performance management system used for performance management are balanced scorecard, activity based management, quality management, economic value added etc. among the various performance management system the most popular methods are balance scorecard, activity based management and economic value added. Activity based management is done by analyzing those activit ies which adds value to the organization. This is done on the basis of activity based costing. It mainly focuses on reducing the cost and increasing the value received by the customers. The economic value added method enables the organization to analyze the overall performance of the organization. In this method the financial measures are used to measure the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Darkness out there Essay Example for Free

The Darkness out there Essay She beseeches the doctors aid; she sees the hopelessness of human assistance; and there is a desperate earnestness in her manner that goes to the young mans heart. The plot builds up by keeping the reader puzzled about the unknown person who needs the doctors help. The doctor cannot understand why he cannot help until the following morning, especially as the woman is in such a distressed state. The doctor explores various thoughts but cannot find a logical explanation. He speculated a great deal and to very little purpose on the possible circumstances of the case. The mood of the story is further darkened by the images of Walworth, which is the location of the tragedy. The village is full of poverty, decay and questionable characters. His way lay across a marshy common, through irregular lanes, with here and there a ruinous and dismantled cottage fast falling to pieces with decay and neglect. The writer uses assonance and imagery that emphasises the dreariness and sense of no hope. After plodding wearily through the MUD and MIRE. A small low building, one story above the ground with a desolate and unpromising exterior. The sense of mystery is kept up as the doctor is told that he is too soon to help the patient rather than too late. Am I in time? Too soon replied the man. The surgeon turned hastily round, with a gesture of astonishment mixed with alarm. But then the puzzle is suddenly solved and the reason for the tragedy becomes clear. The truth flashed suddenly upon him. The tone and pace of The Darkness Out There is much slower and less intense. The descriptions and conversation are about everyday things. The setting is much more modern and the language is casual rather than formal. She would go to this old Mrs Rutters and have a bit of a giggle with Susie and come home for tea and wash her hair. The writer uses lots of alliteration and assonance to create a lighthearted mood that reflects the country setting. Polleny summer grass that glinted in the sun. Pattern and petal. This style is used to bring the characters to life as well. She seemed composed of circles, a cottage-loaf of a woman, with a face below which chins collapsed. There are lots of contrasting images as well, because the young girl is frightened of the wood. There are some nasty things as well as pretty colourful flowers, and the dark side of the wood is described to remind the reader about the main theme of the story. The dark reach of the spinney came right to the gate there so that she would have to walk by the edge of it with the light suddenly shutting off the bare wide sky of the field. The chatty conversations move the plot forward, and the young girl finds out things about the old womans past. The writer uses similes to build up an image of the womans dead husband, which the girl sees in a photo. The girl saw a man with a tooth-brush moustache, his army cap slicing his forehead. Although the old woman seems to be plump and harmless, as the story goes on, a harder side starts to come out. The young boy who is helping with the cleaning, starts to pick up on things about her that make him feel uncomfortable. His opinion turns out to be correct, for her darker side is very unpleasant indeed. She and her sister heard the plane crash and they went to investigate. They cheered when they realised it was German plane. The writer starts to build up a mood of fear and tension as they are exploring the crash. The language becomes more harsh and sharp, and reflects the hatred that the old lady felt. Bang there goes some more bastards. Tit for tat. The old woman tells the story without seeming to feel as though she did anything wrong. But the horror of the young boy and girl comes across in the description of their reaction. The boys spoon clattered to the floor; he did not move. At the end the writer sums up the different kinds of darkness that can exist. She emphasises that things are not always what they seem to be on the surface. This makes sure that the reader fully understands what the story has been about. You could get people all wrong and there was a darkness that was not the darkness of tree shadows. There are some things about the stories that are similar. There is an element of mystery and secrecy in them both which makes the reader want to continue reading and see what happens. The endings are both tragic as well. Both stories are about death, but one of the main characters causes the death, and the other one is the victim of a death. The tone of the stories are very different. The Black Veil is much deeper and disturbing, and the characters are frightened, helpless and in great pain. The mood of The Darkness Out There is quite colourful and bright, but this actually covers up the evil act of the old woman. The stories are written at different times, and so the Dickens tale uses words that are formal and outdated. This compares with the chatty, colloquial language which goes on between the characters in the other story. The endings of both tales are very powerful. The reader discovers a dreadful tragedy has occurred. However, the Black Veil ending makes you feel sad as absolutely nothing could be done to save the womans son. In contrast, the jolly old woman turns out to be a murderer, and like the boy and the girl the reader ends up hating her. It makes you want to throw up he said, someone like that. Richard Hiom 01/05/2007 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Contrast Of Roy And Orems Nursing Theory Nursing Essay

Contrast Of Roy And Orems Nursing Theory Nursing Essay Nursing is an evolving discipline in the development of science i.e. theory and research and in professional practice. We have a rich history of thought from Florence Nightingale to the recent nurse researchers, theorists and clinicians. Moreover, nursing professional practice includes integration of knowledge from the broad conceptualizations of models to the level of practice theory. The nursing theoretical frameworks serve in powerful ways as guides for articulating, reporting, recording nursing thought and action. Nurses must know what they are doing, why they are doing, what may be the range of outcomes of nursing, and indicators for measuring nursing impact (Parker, 2001). The aim of this paper is to study, compare and contrast two nursing models given by two nursing theorists who have made major contributions in the field of nursing practice. These models are; Roy adaptation model and Orems Self-care model. Introduction to the theorists, Sister Callista Roy and Dorothea E. Orem Sister Callista Roy received a bachelors degree in nursing in 1963 from Mount Saint Marys College as masters degree in pediatric nursing in 1966, a masters degree in sociology in 1975 and a doctorate degree in sociology in 1977, all from the University of California, Los Angeles. Roy first proposed her model while studying for her masters degree, where she was challenged by Dorothy Johnson to develop conceptual models of nursing. Therefore, the development of the adaptation model for nursing has been influenced by Roys personal and professional background. She had her experience as a pediatric staff nurse where she mainly noticed the children and their ability to adapt in response to major physical and psychological changes. Dorothea E. Orem was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She received her diploma in nursing from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC, baccalaureate in nursing from Catholic University in 1939 and masters degree in 1945 from the same university. She decided to develop her theory after she and her colleagues were given an assignment to produce a nursing curricula for practical nursing for the department of Health, Education and Welfare in Washington, DC. Between 1971 and the 1995 editions, there have been some changes in Orems theory, notably in the concept of an individual and the idea of the nursing system. Orem delineates three theories; self-care, self-care deficit, and nursing system. Focus of Roys and Orems Model Roys model was initially developed for education; however, it continued to work in research and practice settings. Roys model focuses on the concept of adaptation of man. Her concepts of nursing, person, health and environment are all interrelated to this central concept. According to her model, the person receives inputs or stimuli from both the environment and the self. Adaptation occurs when the person responds positively to environmental changes. This adaptive response promotes the integrity of the person which leads to health. Ineffective responses to stimuli lead to disruption of the integrity of the person. Self-care model was given by Dorothea Elizabeth Orem in 1970. The focus of the model is self-care, self-care agency, self-care demand, self-care deficit, nursing agency and nursing system. Self-care is a requirement of every person, man, woman and child. Self-care is viewed as function and the capability of an individual which means that the things an individual can do and able to do. When self-care is not maintained, illness, disease or death will occur. Self-care requisites result in the regulation of structural and functional integrity and human development. There are three categories of self-care requisites; universal, developmental and health deviation self-care requisites. According to Orem, there are various basic conditioning factors (age, gender, developmental state, health state and health care system, sociocultural orientation, and family system, patterns of living, environment and available resources) that can influence the categories of self-care requisites. The essence of Orems model is entirely the nurse-patient relationship. Metaparadigm of both the Models The Person: Roy described the person in terms of system and adaptation, a biopsychosocial being in constant interaction with a changing environment. She defines person as a recipient of nursing care, as a living complex, adaptive system with internal processes (the cognator and regulator) acting to maintain adaptation in the four adaptive modes: physiological (biologic), self-concept (psychological), role function and interdependence (social). The cognator controls processes related to perception, learning, judgment, and emotion i.e. psychological adjustments. The regulator functions primarily through the use of the autonomic nervous system in making physiologic adjustments. On the other hand, Orem expressed that the individual person is the primary focus in the model. People are basically rational beings who assess situations, reflect and understand them. Based on this person as agent or having agency that chooses to perform specific actions and goal directed. Moreover, in comparison to Roys model, she also indicated that empowering person helps to cope with the causes and effects which ultimately progress to the positive adaptation of an individual. Nursing: Roys goal of nursing is to help individual adapt to changes in his psychological needs, self-concept, role function and interdependent relations during health and illness. Nursing fills a unique role as a facilitator of adaptation by assessing behavior in each of these four adaptive modes and intervening by managing the influencing stimuli (George, 1995). Similarly, Orem defines nursing as a human service and facilitates that nursing special concern is a persons physiological needs for the provision and management of self-care action on a continuous basis in order to sustain life and health. However, the goal of nursing in both the theories is to overcome the patients limitation whether it is psychological or physiological needs. Health: According to Roy and Andrews (1999) health is a state and process of being and becoming an integrated and whole person. Likewise Orem (1985) sees health as an ideal when living things are structurally and functionally whole. Health can be viewed as a human adaptive system within a changing environment. Lack of integration represents lack of health. Adaptation is a process of promoting this integration i.e. maintaining physiological, psychological and social integrity. Similarly, according to Horsburgh (1999), Orem views health state as the basic conditioning factor also comprises on physiological, psychological and social imbalances most likely to influence adult self-care abilities and behaviors. Environment: According to Roy (1999), environment is all the conditions, circumstances that influences surrounding and affect the development and behavior of persons or groups. Environment is the input into the person as an adaptive system involving both internal and external factors. Any environmental change demands increasing energy to adapt to the situation. Factors in the environment that affect the person are categorized as focal, contextual and residual stimuli. Focal stimulus mostly confronts the person that precipitates the behavior. Contextual stimuli are all other stimuli present that contribute to the behavior caused or precipitated by the focal stimuli. Residual stimuli are factors that may be affecting behavior but whose affects are not validated. Orem acknowledges self-care requisites to have their origins in human beings and the environmental factors, elements, conditions, etc. Environmental factors influences health care abilities of a person and are shaped within a persons sociocultural context. Furthermore, she proposed the similar concept of Roys theory that man and environment interact as self-care system. If the system of man and environment gets change, the adaptation of self-care system will be affected. Compare Contrast of both the Models with Literature Support Identification of the underlying assumptions is necessary to internal and external evaluation of the theory which deals with logic, consistency and congruence with the practical world (Barnum, 1998). The concept of person, health, nursing and environment are well defined however there are some similarities and differences among the two models. Firstly, Roys model focuses mainly on psychological aspects of a person. She discusses about the adaptation of a man and stresses on ways of adaptation and coping mechanisms whereas Orems model focuses greatly on physiological and sociological aspects of a person and lacks psychological aspects. She talks about individualism, autonomy, self-directed and self-reliance. Moustafa (1999) also noted that Orems theory is generally accorded to the physiological and sociological wellbeing of the person, undermining the importance of mental health. For e.g., a person who is a paranoid schizophrenic will not admit that he needs help regarding his self-ca re demands and without acceptance of the self-care deficit, it will be difficult to care for the person using Orems theory concepts. Secondly, according to Roy (1999) environment is internal and external stimuli and the person receives inputs from the external and internal environments. In her earlier writing (1981) that environment is different from internal stimuli and now she viewed internal stimuli is a part of environment. However, the question arises if internal stimuli are a part of environment than how it is different from the persons adaptation level? Moreover, Roys model of nursing management specify that the manipulation of the stimuli is different from the manipulation of people however the question still remains the same can internal stimuli be manipulated without manipulating the person? It seems that the relationships of adaptation to person, health and nursing are clear however the person-environment interaction is less clear. In contrast, Orem simply proposed that the change in person-environment system will ultimately change the entire self-care system. Both the models highlight similar factors b ut the objective of both the theorists differ as in case of Orem, it is self-care whereas Roy as adaptation. Nevertheless, both the models can be interrelated as for e.g., in order to perform self-care successfully, a person needs to adapt to the internal and external stimuli or the environment. The person needs to be stress free and comfortable both physically and psychologically. Both adaptation and self-care is a behavior of a person that are influenced by various factors such as culture, personality, socioeconomic status, education, age, gender and available resources etc. Thirdly, both of these models primarily focus on individualism. None of them takes the viewpoint of family, society, or a community as a whole. However, with certain modification, the models are seen empirically tested on various age groups such as among students community, elderly, various disease specific groups etc. Roy sees person as a living complex, adaptive system acting to maintain adaptation in four adaptive models (physiological needs, self-concept, role function and interdependence) whereas according to Orem, person as rational beings who has mastery over their destiny. In other words, the individual as a person is independent to choose and select whatever they want. It is normal for the person who wants to attain optimum levels of self-care. However, this is not true at all the time; a person looking for a secondary gain from the illness may not give importance to his/her wellness. Regarding health, both of them believe that health is a state and a process for becoming an integrated and whole person. However, these models lack the spiritual and existentialist aspects of a person. These models describe nurse as a facilitator. The aim of the nurse in Roys model is to help man adapt to changes brought about during the health illness continuum whereas according to Orems model, nurse facilitates the self-care abilities of a person which is more towards the physiological needs of a person. Lastly, Orems model is somehow culturally biased. In scientifically advance culture, people believe that sickness is because of natural reason. However, some cultures believe on traditional and folk premises. Therefore, these perceptions are still failing to recognize the variety of health related cultural belief and practices. Orems theory does not explain the traditional and folk health believes even she called a scientifically advanced culture (Orem, 1991). On the contrary, Roys model talks about the persons relationship with the world and God on philosophical premises. Persons use human creative abilities of awareness, enlightenment and faith. In my judgment I feel that as an external stimuli or factor, cultural and religious believes can hinder in adaptation process. Furthermore, both the theories are very complex and have broad concepts for the practical implication. Roys model is difficult to categorize the behaviors of the person in the four adaptive modes (George, 1995). In addition, there is an overlapping of concepts definitions. Similarly, Orems self-care model is used with numerous configurations; this multitude of terms such as self-care agency, self-care demand, self-care deficit, requisites can be very confusing to the reader. Abdul (2002) also noted that Orems work is easy to explain but difficult to differentiate among numerous terminologies and hypothesis. The holistic approach of these models helps prevent putting too much emphasis on aspects of illness and allows for the inclusion of health promotion. In addition, they are easy to apply as a family center model. Both have been found very useful in inpatient and outpatient settings as well as in work settings and in the community. However, it is difficult to apply Roys model in int ensive care units where situations change rapidly (George, 1995). Moreover, the clinical research generating from these theories have health promotion application also. Nursing, when define in terms of focus ( for knowledge and practice), is a specialized health service necessitated by an adults inability to maintain the amount and quality of self-care i.e. therapeutic in sustaining life and health , even in recovering from disease or injury, or in coping with their effects through adaptation. Application of models in clinical Practice Conclusion Roys ad Orems model have greatly influenced nursing profession. The integration of both the models is not only applicable in clinical practice but also in nursing education, administration and research. These models guide nurses to use observations and interviewing skills in doing an individualized assessment of each person. It is a useful guide in nursing assessment and formulating nursing diagnosis. Therefore, apparently both the models are valuable in nursing clinical practice. Alligood and Marriner-Tomey (2002) state that conceptual or theoretical models of nurse practice are significant to the field, providing the profession with a guide to patient care and with a general frame of reference that connects the structural environment to the patterns of behavior and relationships within the organization. Nurses have a unique role to promote health in majority of the setting by utilizing these theory in acute healthcare settings, community settings, rehabilitation nursing, palliative care, in learning disability nursing etc. The goal of both the theories is giving assistance adapted to specific human needs and limitations. I suggest that the concept development of different models and analysis will contribute to further identification of functional theories in nursing. Thus, we need to continue our efforts to develop diverse types of theories and consider the advancement of the nursing discipline.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Awakening to Freedom Essay -- essays papers

Awakening to Freedom Awakening or to awake means â€Å"to wake up; to be or make alert or watchful† (Webster 23). This is what Edna Pontellier experienced in The Awakening. There has been some discussion over the appropriateness of the ending to this story. Was it appropriate for Edna to commit suicide? Yes, this story of Edna Pontellier, including the ending, is appropriate to what a woman probably would have felt like if she were in that time feeling what Edna was feeling. Edna committed suicide because there was no other way out. She did not fit into society. Her thoughts and emotions were not the same as the thoughts and emotions of the other women of this time. Edna committed suicide so that she could be reborn in a time that she would be excepted as she was. Edna was ahead of her time. She wanted a life for herself. She didn’t want her husband or her children to establish it for her. â€Å"I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn’t give myself† (Chopin 573). This is not something that a w...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

International Management Essay

Executive Summary This written case analysis report is prepared for the analysis of the case study of the Tata Group – â€Å"The Last Rajah: Ratan Tata and Tata’s Global Expansion.† (Luthans and Doh 2009). It will first begin with a brief introduction on the Tata Group of India, with the source and the secondary (both short- and long-term) problems of this biggest conglomerate in India, to be identified and discussed next. An analysis of the problems is presented next, followed by the criteria of evaluation. A comprehensive listing of all major feasible courses of action are presented before the recommended strategy(ies) are discussed. The next section will cover the justifications of recommendations followed by the implementation, control and follow up. 1. Introduction The Tata Group, India’s biggest conglomerate (Luthans and Doh 2009), was founded by 29-years old Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata in 1868. It was first established as a trading company in Bombay and started pioneering businesses in sectors such as steel, energy, textiles and hospitality (Tata Group 2012). In 1904, Sir Dorab Tata, the elder of Jamsetji’s two sons, succeeded Tata Group in Germany after Jamsetji passed on. Ratan Tata succeeded as the chairman, following the death of his uncle – J.R.D. Tata, in 1993 (Tata Group 2012). Today, the Tata group consists of more than 100 operating companies in seven business sectors (Refer to Appendix 1) with operations in more than 80 countries across six continents, exporting products and services to 85 countries. The latest financial figures reflected on its website showed that the total revenue of Tata Group was US$83.3 billion (around Rs 3,796.75 billion) in 2010-11, an increase of 18.8% from 2009-10 (Tata Group 2012). With its devotion to strong values and excellent business ethics, the Tata name has been respected in India for more than 140 years. Each Tata company or enterprise operates independently and is answerable to its own board of directors and shareholders. Moving forward, new technologies and innovation will be Tata Group’s focus, in order to develop its business in India and internationally. Anchored in India with its traditional values and strong ethics, Tata companies are building multinational businesses that will achieve growth through excellence and innovation, while balancing the interests of shareholders, employees and civil society (Tata Group 2012). 2. Source Problems With its wide diversification of business across six continents, Tata faces several challenges. The first problem is to build a consistent vision while being in many different markets and industries. Another challenge is to formulate strategies for over 100 companies in more than 80 countries. Besides this, another problem of Tata Group is the high involvement of Ratan Tata, who is the chief steward of the group of nine senior executives sitting on the boards of the Tata companies, in both the negotiations of major deals and the details of his auto-making, telecom or steel businesses (Luthans and Doh 2009). The next challenge for Tata is on how to absorb the struggling Corus mills. Other challenges for the future include deciding on which businesses to spin-off and which to pursue, what will happen to the conglomerate during an economy slow-down. The most challenge issue for Tata Group perhaps would be to fill the void left behind by the energetic and visionary Mr Ratan Tata – Chairman of the Tata Group, when he retire (Koontz and Weihrich 2010). 3. Secondary Problems 3.1 Long term 3.1.1 Diversification of investments and businesses From the case study, it is evident that a major problem for Tata Group is its diversification of its investments and businesses over so many different countries. The group is subjected inevitably to the different market situations and the culture of each individual market. 3.1.2 The continuation of operation of Corus mills Another long-term problem for Tata Group is whether they should continue operating the struggling Corus mills. As mentioned in the article, the moment Tata Steel took over Corus, it is loaded with a $7.4 billion debt and the high operational cost of Corus weakens the profit margins of Tata Steel (Luthans and Doh 2009). 3.1.3 Sustainability of its business versus sustainability of its corporate social responsibility during economy slow-down Should there be an economy slow-down, the ability of Tat Group to sustain its businesses versus their ability to sustain the social responsible culture, which is developed by Ratan’s ancestors (Griffin and Moorhead 2010), remains a challenge for Tata Group. The Rata conglomerate will have to decide between sustaining its businesses and fulfilling this culture. This will be especially tough with a  $7.4 billion debt already on its books. 3.1.4 Management control in Tata Group As mentioned in the article, Mr Ratan is the chief steward, of his team of nine senior executives in the Group Corporate Office, who negotiates major deals himself and immerses himself in the details of his businesses. Ratan Tata is also the major decision maker in most of Tata Group’s major deals. At the time when the article was written, Tata Group has not found a suitable successor. The fact that Mr Ratan Tata is single and childless (Luthans and Doh 2009) thus poses the toughest challenge of who is to fill the void for Tata Group, when Mr Ratan retires. 4. Analysis 4.1 Diversification of investments and businesses This long term problem will prove to be an obstacle towards its global expansion and the development of the company to its full potential, as there is no one common group strategy with a common objective. The lack of a common corporate strategy may act as a restraining force (Singh 2012; refer to Appendix 2) against moving Tata Group to its desired position in the global market and also against achieving overall productivity of the organization. 4.2 The continuation of operation of Corus mills A first look at this problem of the Tata Group would obviously be to discontinue the operation of Corus mills. However, one of the strengths and competitive advantage that Tata Group has over its competitors, is backward integration (Hill and Jones 2011) like what Hill and Jones (2011, 180) described – steel companies supplying its iron ore needs from company-owned iron ore mines. Having its own abundant coal and iron ore reserves enables Tata Group to produce raw steel at low cost in India, and ship it to Corus’ first-class mills overseas to produce  steel products. Furthermore, by looking at the financial data provided in the case study, Tata Motors was the least profitability business in 2007 for Tata Group. With the acquisition of Corus mills and Tata’s competitive advantage of backward integration, Tata Group can make use of Tata Steel and Corus mills to produce low cost steel car parts in order to reduce the cost of sales for Tata Motors. The gross profit margins for Tata Motors can be increased with the cost of sales reduced (Needles, Powers, and Crosson. 2010). 4.3 Sustainability of its business versus sustainability of its corporate social responsibility during economy slow-down When there is an economy slow-down, it will subject Tata Group’s decision on sustaining its business or still maintain its expensive corporate social responsibility, to a great test. A fast and immediate solution, during an economy down-turn will be to reduce the contributions for charitable causes, such as reducing or terminating the annual $40 million contribution for charitable acts in Jamshedpur, in order to sustain its businesses. However, Tata Group will have to consider about the long-term implications of such drastic immediate reduction or termination of charitable funds. The reputation of Tata Group may receive a beating in the long run, due to negative press and media reportings (Davies et al. 2003), should such measures are implemented drastically and immediately, in order to sustain its businesses. 4.4 Management control in Tata Group From the description of the article, the management style of Tata Group seemed to follow an ethnocentric strategic predisposition and an organizational culture of â€Å"family culture†. A cultural strategic predisposition refers to the particular way which most  multi-national companies (MNCs) have towards doing things (Luthans and Doh 2009; Aswathappa 2010). A MNC with an ethnocentric predisposition will normally depend on the values, and interests of the parent company in formulating and implementing a strategic plan. Their primary emphasis is on profitability and the company will try to run its overseas operations in line with how they are run back at home (Loke 2008; Aswathappa 2010). Tata Group is likened to be run with an ethnocentric predisposition as Mr Ratan Tata is the chief dealmaker who is closely involved in all major deals negotiations and also details of his different businesses. This predisposition will inevitably result in parochialism in Mr Tata, which may affect his logical strategic thinking. Tata Group has adopted a â€Å"family† type of organizational culture. â€Å"Family culture† type of organizations besides focusing on hierarchy, orientation to persons, leader heads the company like a caring parent, the management also takes good care of employees, ensures employees are well treated and enjoy continued employment (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner 1998). This is clearly reflected in their spending of $40 million annually in the company’s home base of Jamshedpur and their excellent employee remuneration policy of workers still getting paid fully till the age of 60 years old and lifelong health care, even if they retire early. This will result in additional expenses for Tata Group in order to fulfill this â€Å"corporate social responsibility†. According to the article, Tata Group has not found a suitable successor at the time when the article was written. The toughest challenge will be finding a suitable candidate of who is able to fill the void for Tata Group, when Mr Ratan retires. 5. Criteria of Evaluation 1. To identify and differentiate between the â€Å"Cash cows† and â€Å"Stars† (Phadtare 2011; refer to Appendix 3) businesses and the â€Å"Question Mark (or Problem Child)† and â€Å"Dog† businesses (Phadtare 2011; refer to Appendix 3) within the next 6 months. 2. To reduce the $7.4 billion debt of Corus within the next 5 years. 3. To reduce their annual â€Å"charitable spending† gradually within the next 5 years, but yet not neglect or forgo their corporate social responsibility. 4. To identify a successor within the next two to three years. 6. Alternative strategies A comprehensive listing of all feasible strategies will be presented for Tata Group before the recommended strategy(ies) will discussed. 6.1 Short term (S): Targeted short-term objectives to achieve within the next few months to 1 year from the time of implementation. S1 To identify and group the businesses into â€Å"Cash cows†, â€Å"Stars†, â€Å"Question Mark (or Problem Child)† or â€Å"Dog† businesses (Phadtare 2011; refer to Appendix 3) within the next 6 months. S2 To decide on which business(es) to keep and focus on and which business(es) to liquidate. 6.2 Long term (L): Targeted long-term objectives to achieve within the next 3 – 5 years and beyond. L1 To reduce the $7.4 billion debt of Corus mills within the next 5 years by perhaps re-looking into refinancing the debt loan with a lower interest rate, in order to strength their profit margins. This is to convert Corus mills into a profitable business unit which will enable Tata Group to continue building on its competitive advantage over its competitors, of integrating backward integration, with the collaboration of Tata Steel and Corus mills, for Tata Motors. L2 To reduce their annual â€Å"charitable spending† of S$40 million for Jamshedpur gradually – 5% per year in the first four year and a final 10% in the fifth year, and also to reduce the employees’ benefits gradually. This will enable Tata Group to sustain its businesses better, but yet not neglect or forgo their corporate social responsibility. L3 To identify a successor within the next two to three years and also to gradually change their ethnocentric predisposition way of running the business and also their â€Å"family† type of organizational culture. Strategy statement as per Hofer and Schendel’s characteristics: Tata Group’s strategy for the next 3 – 5 years is to â€Å"tidy up† it’s widely diversified investments and businesses and exploit on its competitive advantage of backward integration (of owning iron ore mines) in order to help its automobile business increase profit margin. By gradually reducing their annual â€Å"charitable spending†, Tata Group will be able to channel these capital to sustain and expand its business globally. By identifying a successor for its chairman, this will ensure the sustainability of the Tata businesses and also to bring Tata Group to the next frontier. 7. Recommended strategy(ies) In order for this business plan for Tata Group to be successful, the strategies presented needs to be both achievable and sustainable with an accurate evaluation of its current resources, core competencies and capabilities. With both short term and long term strategies listed above and analyzed via the Strategy Feasibility Table listed in Appendix 4, the recommended strategies (best 3 out of 5) are as follows: S1:To identify and group the businesses. S2:To decide on which business(es) to keep, which business(es) to liquidate. L2:To reduce their annual â€Å"charitable spending†. 8. Justifications of recommendations After analyzing the alternatives strategies via the Strategy Feasibility Table (Refer to Appendix 4), it was decided that the most feasible strategies are S1, S2 and L2 to resolve the source and secondary problems above. Strategies S1 and S2 are chosen to best resolve the diversification of businesses that resulted in the absence of a common group strategy with a common objective for Tata Group. The next strategy for Tata Group to implement is the reduction of their annual â€Å"charitable spending†. This will free up more capital for Tata Group to redirect them to boast their â€Å"Stars† businesses. The remaining two long-term strategies of L1 and L3, with a slightly higher score of 15 and 14 respectively, in the feasibility test, may be considered to be implemented concurrently with lesser priorities. This is because it will not be easy for Tata Group to reduce the $7.4 billion debt within a short period of time and also not easy for any company to source for, identify and appoint a successor for its Chairman and to change the culture within a short period of time too. The most critical issue now is for Tata Group to conduct the most effective and efficient strategies. 9. Implementation, Control and Follow-up For any MNCs, e.g. Tata Group, it is not easy to implement business consolidation like S1 and S2. S1 and S2 described above will only be the â€Å"identification† stage to determine the type of business each belongs to. The physical implementation of the consolidation has to be executed with extreme caution as consolidation may result in employees redundancy. After  the consolidation exercise is successfully, the Group Corporate Office (GCO) of Tata Group will have to ensure that they do not launch massive business diversification plans without careful considerations. The follow-up on the implementation of S1 and S2 will have to be monitor by the GCO closely with a clear timeline listed out as a guide to prevent any procrastination or delays. As for the implementation of strategy L2, Tata Group has to execute it with caution too. It is not be implemented too hastily to prevent any damage to the company’s image due to any to negative press and media reportings (Davies et al. 2003). Any other future â€Å"charitable spending† will have to be discussed and decided more stringently. As stated above under Section 6.2, L2, the reduction will be done gradually over a timeline of 5 years and the GCO of Tata Group will have to adhere closely to this timeline. (2,220 words excluding Executive Summary, headings, sub-headings, in-text citations, and this sentence.) 10. References Aswathappa, K. 2010. International Business. 4th ed. New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw Hill. Change Management Coach. 2012. Force Field Analysis – Kurt Lewin. Davies, Gary, Rosa Chun, Rui Vinhas da Silva, and Stuart Roper. 2003. Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness. 1st ed. New York, USA: Taylor & Francis Group. ion&f=false. Griffin, Ricky W., and Gregory Moorhead. 2010. Organizational Behaviour: Managing People and Organizations. 9th ed. Mason, OH, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning. Hill, Charles W. L., and Gareth R. Jones. 2011. Essentials of Strategic Management. 3rd ed. Mason, OH, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning. Hofer, Charles W., and Dan Schendel. 1982. Strategy Formulation: Analytical Concepts. 8th ed. Eagan, Minnesota, USA: West Pub. Johnson, Debra, and Colin Turner. 2010. International Business: Themes and issues in the modern global economy. 2nd ed. New York, USA: Taylor & Francis Group. Koontz, Harold, and Heinz Weihrich. 2010. Essentials of Management: An International Perspective. 8th ed. New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw Hill. Loke, Chee Shong. 2008. International Management. 1st ed. USA: Aberdeen University Press Services. Luthans, F., and Jonathan P. Doh. 2009. International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior. 7th ed. New York, USA: McGraw-Hill. Luthans, F., and Jonathon P. Doh. 2012. International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior. 8th ed. New York, USA: McGraw-Hill. Needles, Belverd, Marian Powers, and Susan Crosson. 2010. Financial and Managerial Accounting. 9th ed. Mason, OH, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning. Phadtare, Milind T. 2011. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 1st ed. New Delhi, India: PHI Learning Private Limited. QuickMBA. 2010. QuickMBA: Strategy / BCG Matrix. Singh, Kavita. 2012. Organizational Behavior. 1st ed. New Delhi, India: Pearson Education India. Tata Group. 2012. Tata Group Worldwide. The Economic Times. 2011. The Economic Times, Topics, Ratan Tata. Mumbai, India: Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. Trompenaars, Alfons, and Charles Hampden-Turner. 1998. Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business. 2nd ed. New York, USA: McGraw-Hill. Appendix Appendix 1: The seven business sectors of the Tata group The seven business sectors of the Tata group: 1) Communications and information technology 2) Engineering 3) Materials 4) Services 5) Energy 6) Consumer products 7) Chemicals (Tata Group 2012) Appendix 2: Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Source: Management Coach 2012) Appendix 3: The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Growth Share Matrix Source: (QuickMBA 2010)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Fundamentals of Financial Management essay

buy custom Fundamentals of Financial Management essay Business organizations refer to the various kinds of business that individuals pursue. They could be partnerships, sole proprietorship, and joint stock companies. Their characteristics range from ownership to management. Small businesses refer to businesses that require little capital to start and have limited resources. Businesses have both aims and objectives. Aims refer to the expected changes that come about due to reaching the desired results. On the other hand, objectives refer to the processes and steps these businesses undertake in order to reach their goals and ultimately achieve the changes projected. This essay explicates various issues relating to businesses. A sole proprietorship is one of the types of business organizations. This is a business started and owned by one individual. Brigham and Houston (2009 pp100) refer to sole-proprietorships as family businesses where the family members support the owner in his work. This type of business requires little capital to start, and the owner could start it from personal savings over a long period. A partnership is another business organization. This is a business formed by two or more people known as partners. The partners come together because of common business interests and common goals. According to Hall et al. (2008 pp 94) they formulate a partnership deed, which outlines the various rules governing the functioning of the partnership and the rights of each partner. A Partnership Act that is imposed upon the partners by the authorities in case they fail to formulate a partnership deed. They are thus required to follow the rules as outlined in the partnership Act. The main source of capital is the contribution by members. Joint stock companies refer to business organizations that have artificial, human characteristics. They require large amounts of capital to start. The capital is generated through the issue of shares to the public. A sole proprietorship business has several characteristics. Firstly, it operates on a small scale. These means its operations are limited to a small area and scale. They are owned and managed by one individual who oversees all the activities. Lastly, they operate with limited capital, which limits their further expansion. According to Brigham and Houston (2009 pp 117), partnership businesses have various characteristics. For instance, the start-up capital is made available through partners contributions as agreed. It is managed by according to the agreement of partners. The partners share out their responsibilities based on their respective areas of specialization. Characteristic attributable to joint stock companies include management by a Board of Directors, which is the body that ensures that the various issues toward achievement of goals are addressed effectively. In addition, companies have a larger capital base that is contributed by the public through subscription to the issued shares. A business could be started because of various reasons. Individuals start businesses in order to create employment to both themselves and others. This view is vital as it helps reduce the level of unemployment in the country and the society. Businesses are started because of the desire for one to become an own boss. People want self-governance and independence.Individual start businesses because they wish to make profits. This is the main objective of starting businesses. Individuals always want to earn a return on their investments and generate extra cash that would be used for other investments. Competitive advantage refers to the enormous advantages that one business has over others in its business environment due to various matters such as a strategic location. Brigham and Houston (2009 pp 117) assert that competitive advantage is strategic to a business, and it is achieved when the business stands out among the rest in the operating environment and ultimately make enormous profits. Pricing refers to cost at which products are sold. Small businesses charge different prices with various objectives. Some charge high prices with a view to earn supernormal profits and generate enough cash for continued operations. Pricing is a vital aspect that needs to be properly analyzed before being settled upon. Small business that price their commodities and services fairly in the market would develop a competitive advantage over those, which price their products at the highest prices. Fair pricing by some small businesses wins them more customers over their competitors hence a competitive advantage. The quality and the kind of product offered leads to a competitive advantage. Other factors that relate to products such as packaging and the quantities at which they are sold are determining factors for a business to develop a competitive advantage. In addition, businesses that offer products that are unique to the business environment will develop a competitive advantage due to the uniqueness of their products. Place refers to the situation of the business. It is vital to consider the appropriate location before setting up a small business. Kennedy (2005 pp 124) observes that small businesses that are located in places with large populations enjoy a competitive advantage over their competitors who could be located in sparsely populated areas. This is because of the large number of people who form the customer base. Businesses located in peaceful areas free from violence enjoy a competitive advantage over competitors in polarized locations. This is because peace provides a supportive environment for business growth and development. Promotional factors refer to factors that tend to improve and increase the marketability of a business products. Businesses that engage in vigorous promotional strategies through advertising would develop a competitive advantage over their competitors who do not promote the marketability of their products. Customer loyalty is achieved through promotions hence competitive advantage. This would be an advantage as the business would make more profits and a larger customer base compared to the one that does not engage in promotional activities. There are various types of small businesses. They include retail, small businesses such as shops that sell goods to customers at various points. Another vital type of small business is the service business such as cycle repair. This involves providing services on a small scale. In addition, small businesses could be small manufacturing firms that operate on a small scale. The growth of a small business refers to the steps a business undergoes to reach the desired profitability level. Kennedy (2005 pp 134) observes thaat growth is seen in terms of output. If a business is able to deliver larger amounts of output, then it is perceived to be growing. Small businesses also grow by attracting and retaining new customers. Through this, enough funds for growth would be acquired, and the business will forge forward to achieve its goals. A company would grow if it were able to sell more shares to the public hence raising adequate finances. The finances would see its growth to desired levels. In addition, it needs proper management. Small businesses face various challenges in their growth. For instance, they are limited by inadequate funds. Most of them are not able to grow further due to the limited capital to finance the further desired growth. The lack of adequate funds retards growth. Poor management limits the growth of small businesses. Poor management would lead to poor planning and control of the business. According to Hall et al. (2008 pp 100) the poor decisions resulting from their managers are a hindrance to their ultimate growth because of the uncalculated decisions that would lead to loss of the invested capital. Aggressive competitors hinder their growth. These form a major hindrance to growth of small businesses because of the threats they offer. In addition, competitors make the other businesses unable to access their customers. The aggressive level of competition is, in fact, likely to lead to the collapse of the small business as they are driven out of the market. It would totally choke small businesses restricting their further growth. Aims refer to the desired changes that could come about due to the achievement of certain desired results. Aims are seen in terms of the changes desired. A business would aim at achieving a new item into the organization that could change its position in the market Kennedy (2005 pp 120) assert that a business could aim at increasing the number of people who use a given product. This would be judged from the way the number of people who use a given commodity would change. If the number increases as per the business aim, then the desired change would have been achieved. In addition, a business could set an aim that states that all individuals must have acquired the necessary skills for performance of duties. The actual change is the acquisition of the results and increased performance. On the other hand, objectives refer to the processes that must be undertaken in order to achieve a change. They are defined and strictly adhered to for the proper achievement of the desired change. A practical example relating to objectives could be to train employees on how to use the new equipment. This process must be undergone before the actual change that would involve the acquisition of skills is reached. In addition, a company could have an objective that state that they wish to promote sales. The process of sales promotion is the objective but the final change would be increased profitability. In conclusion, a business organization refers to the type of business an individual engages in. They range from a sole proprietorship, partnerships, and joint stock companies. Small businesses refer to businesses that require little start- up capital and managerial skills. Their growth is hampered by factors such as limited capital, poor management, and aggressive competition. They need to be guarded for proper attainment of their business aims. Buy custom Fundamentals of Financial Management essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was a writer who could capture the essence of American Literature. His unique writing style and his use of imagery allowed readers to get a clear picture of what was taking place in the story. Hemingways wording in his text could seem somewhat redundant at times, but it inevitably allowed the reader to get a sense of what the narrator was feeling at that given time in the story. His ability to attack the readers interest with a love story inside of a war story allows him to build on his unique writing philosophy. This unique writing philosophy is what separates Hemingway from other authors. In this passage in book two, Hemingway writes in first-person narration. Most of the passages that are in this book are written in this narration. This type of narration leads into the descriptive style of writing Hemingway uses throughout the duration of the novel. This idea of description in his writing allows the reader to picture every detail that takes place in the story. The imagery that is used in this passage is not only evident in this paragraph, but in others as well. Hemingway is able to build Tenentes character through the use of his imagery and also through his descriptive writing style. Readers are able to understand Tenentes feelings towards Catherine through Hemingways unique philosophy. Like Edith Wharton, Ernest Hemingways overly descriptive writing style has given Tenente unique characteristics that are evident in this paragraph. The paragraph, which is the opening paragraph in chapter twenty-eight, is a descriptive narration of a dinner Tenente! had with Catherine. This paragraph is an excellent example of Hemingways writing in that he would discuss a situation that he was in, but he manages to talk about an intimate moment with Catherine as well. This is common in Hemingways style of writing in that there is always

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Compare essays

Compare essays Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have A Dream speech and Patrick Henrys Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech are two great America speeches. These speeches both are alike and different as well as the authors of the speeches. One speech discusses equality while the other speech discusses war. Also, the authors are different. One is African-American and the other is Caucasian. Martin Luther King Jr. was born Michael Luther King on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, GA. His name was changed to Martin when he was six years old. Born one of three children, his father was a pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church and his mother was a schoolteacher. Martin Luther King, Jr. entered Morehouse College to study religion at the age of 15 in the year 1944. He was a junior in college when he was ordained a minister and made the assistant pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. In 1948, Martin Luther King, Jr. entered Crozier Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, where he began to seriously study the life and work of Ghandi. While he was working toward his doctorate degree in Systematic Theology at Boston University, Martin Luther King, Jr. met and married Coretta Scott. In 1954, he became the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King was also a great civil rights activist. He organized the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) and adv ised African-Americans to boycott buses and picket businesses who were in favor of segregation. In 1957, Dr. King helped organize the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to end segregation using non-violent protests. He led many demonstrations against discrimination including rallies, sit-ins, the Freedom Rides and voter registration drives. One of his most famous acts was when he gave his famous speech I Have A Dream on August 28, 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The Declaration of Independence influenced Mar...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Quantitative Research Methods Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Quantitative Methods Project - Research Paper Example eople are influenced by peers and similar or highly-regarded others in their environment wishing to conform to their expectations and attempting to fit in to their surrounding social milieu. Taking the theory of social influences to its logical conclusion, social influences also argues that we are indoctrinated through enculturation to perceive aspects in certain manner (Nisbett & Ross, 1980). Heuristics or schemas are created through which we automatically categorize facets of our environment such as objects, personality traits, self, social roles, and social groups in a subjective manner, consequently driving our response. This is known as a cognitive model of perception. Priming, on the other hand, (although not necessarily contradictory, merely different; the two could actually be synthesized) argues that different stimuli instigate memory/ mental node thus evoking a behavioral or judgmental repose. The theory has been characterized as a network of interconnected nodes that when a particular target (for instance word or human) is perceived, the node or group of nodes representing that concept are activated, and flooding spreads to closely associated nodes (Maxfield, 1997). The perceiver’s response is quickly and involuntarily activated and little if anything can be done to impede response. The general framework is cognitive, namely the belief that enculturation has seeded particular heuristics that instigate negative stereotyping. In fact, however, affect has been shown to have as strong if not stronger effect on attitude (Esses, Haddock, & Zanna, 1993). Can these results carry over to prejudice? Which is stronger in determining negative stereotyping: priming or social influence? This is what this study intends to investigate. Deliverable 2: Write a critical analysis of the structure of one of the two theories you selected above, decomposing the theory into its component parts; focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the theory in terms of its promise

Friday, October 18, 2019

Addressing Fashion's Communications Conundrum Essay

Addressing Fashion's Communications Conundrum - Essay Example Proper the advertisement through social media and immediate sales to the consumers during the fashion launch is the way to go when fashion designers are in need of making money. It is advisable to launch new brands and allow for ordering of the clothes by the consumers as well as receiving them immediately. The market should be open to all consumers and allow them to get new fashions immediately they order. This will lead to rapid production of new brands. The lead-time between ordering and receiving of new brands should be kept as minimal as possible. Timing is also important when fashion designers are planning to launch their fashion. Many sales can take place during festive seasons. The Luxury Fashion Business In the article, Amed (2011) presents an insight into how to manage a luxury fashion business. That should revolve around a technology that ensures past designs are faced out. The luxury fashion management ensures redundancy management, seasonality management, tapping creative talent, investing in retails outlets and considering the use of technology. Opinion on Luxury Fashion Business The fashion business demands strategic management to ensure that luxury brands remain relevant and keep moving in the market. Before designing luxury materials, designers should conduct research in the market to find out the consumers’ tastes and preferences. Luxury designs should be recycled for a short period before they become redundant.

Over-Population Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Over-Population - Term Paper Example Majority of this population is in Asian countries. The concept of overpopulation is broader than merely population densities. It includes the ability of the environment to sustain a growing population. The increasing human population exerts lot of pressure on the available resources to extent that the carrying capacity may be surpassed. The effects on the environment may be coupled with other effects such global warming and overall climate change. Overpopulation would occur when the human population will exceed the earth’s resources. With the current reductions in child mortality rates, better medical care and good life present in some parts of the world chances of the earth becoming overpopulated are high. However, the problems of overpopulation are more common in the developing world compared to developed nations due to fertility rates. It is the responsibility and role of everyone in the world to help reduce population growth. There are different opinions explaining the trends and effects of global human population growth. Malthus population growth theory was based on the concept of carrying capacity. The prediction was that the human population was growing at a high rate in relation to the available resources to sustain the population. The result of such population growth was that there will times when the resources will not be able to sustain the human population which, will eventually crash. Such school of thought and other opinions by new-Malthusian believe that there are still chances of a population crash triggered by various environmental factors such as climate change. The â€Å"Malthusian† theory is one of the well known and most criticized theories explaining the relationship between human population growth and the environment. The theory emphasizes on the fact that as the population grows people will utilize all the resources to the extent that there will be hunger, famine and environmental degradation. However, many

Strategic HR Approach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic HR Approach - Research Paper Example I will discuss some of the solutions that I use to settle down issues within my management enterprise. It will also address some issues in employee safety and benefits. As the head of human resources; I have to evaluate the available resources in relation to the personnel required. Environmental analysis, evaluation, and formulation are also necessary for effective performance (Armstrong & Baron, 2002: 70). 1) Health and security of workers At one time, an employee had cancer and had to be hospitalized for two months, which consumed all her finances and left her with hospital bills to clear. As the head of human resource, I had to issue a statement to the finance department for them to release the finances. This was going to be dependent on the nature of output that she gave the enterprise. Since her performance was an asset to the organization, she got the cash. The rewards comparison to effort determines the eligibility of the workers to the institution. Such individuals, who help the organization towards achieving its goal, the enterprise have the obligation to maintain them and integrate them into the institution (Sharma, 2009: 98). Before employing workers, they sign an employment contract that entitles them to interests and other flexibility offers. Such benefits help cater for the employee needs. The government has also come up with enactments to ensure that workers get friendly working terms (Armstrong, 2008: 154). As the human resource director, I have the obligation to recruit new staff to the enterprise, and hence there are considerations to make including academic competence and readiness to work in a competitive environment before taking in new staff. 2) Effective relations between workers and supervisors Strategic management helps the institution realize its objective by ensuring proper maintenance of the workers. A change with the supervisors seemed necessary. Nevertheless, on changing the supervisor, more accidents were reported and the supervis or complained that the workers output was considerably low. As the head of personnel, I had to find a solution to help us regain our output and to motivate our workers on their performance. The supervisor lacked the skills to motivate the workers to improve their performance, and he should have noted that the people working were older which affected their performance. Leaders should not exert unnecessary pressure causing confusions and disrupting workers (Armstrong, 2008: 147). For effective management, an individual needs to be keen, committed with excellent problem solving skills and well equipped with the knowledge to help in understanding personal responsibilities clearly. I had to instruct the supervisor on how to handle our staff to avoid further accidents, which were due to tension among the workers. By training, giving orders, and detailing in a manner of performance helped the organization retain back to its production quantities that the supervisor improved with time after learning how to handle the personnel. It was impossible to lose all the experienced workers in the enterprise and hence the only strategy was to resolve on how to maintain both (Armstrong & Armstrong, 2011: 310). 3) Equality Punctuality in the job is quite noteworthy, and all personnel are subject to the rules irrespective of their positions or relations in the enterprise

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Article response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Response - Article Example The article seeks to clarify whether the effect of gender congruence between a competitor and the referent can occur independently from ambiguity avoidance. To clarify this, the authors conducted two experiments using Finnish, a non-gendered language. Like English, the Finnish language speakers produce fewer pronouns when the competitor and the referent have the same gender. Furthermore, this effect does not result from ambiguity avoidance. Competitors’ gender congruence and reduction of pronouns is higher in English language than in Finnish. In English, avoiding gender ambiguous pronouns is easy because semantic competition is normally affected by gender congruence. Discussion and comments of the article On reading this article, my knowledge was widened on what drives the effect of gender congruence in the English language. I knew that gender congruence effect in English language was driven by ambiguity avoidance. Initially, I assumed that the way speakers make reference to e xpressions was based on congruence effect alone. To enhance my understanding, I examined Van Compbel, Fukumura, Harley and Pickering (2011) study, which investigated how similarity in different entities affect a speaker’s choice and reference to some expression. ... Conversely, more pronouns are produced when the competitor and the referent are in different situations. The congruent effect appeared to be high in a situation in which the action described was relevant to the situational congruence. This implies that the effects that come as a result of congruence will depend on other representations of concepts known by the speaker. In the second experiment, this study revealed that whether a pronoun is ambiguous or not, the effect of competitor’s similarity is always present. At the end, the researchers concluded that the similarity effects are independent of ambiguity avoidance. The effect emanates from a speaker’s internal production challenges. Still, Van Compbel et al. (2011) results are similar toward the explanation of how ambiguity avoidance relate with the similarity or congruent effect. However, the studies use different approaches in investigating the effect of congruence on ambiguity avoidance. Both articles revealed that congruence effect is independent of ambiguity avoidance. In the main article by Fukuruma, Hyona and merete (2013), it is revealed that because congruence impact semantic competition, a speaker is aware of the pronoun ambiguity. This makes congruence effect independent. Conversely, Van Compbel et al. (2011) study confirms that it is the internally speaker production constraints that make congruence effect independent of ambiguity avoidance. Further, the similarity between these two articles drew my attention to another study by Arnold and Griffin (2007). The article investigated how one chooses between proper names and pronouns in a speech. The study was based on the traditional assumption that speakers strive to interpret

Inquiring Minds Want to Know--Now Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Inquiring Minds Want to Know--Now - Case Study Example The Penton Media seeks to answer the question that is brainstorming within the business magazines in the industry Week, Restaurant Hospitality and Machine Design in respect to the decline of the use of publication reader service cards. The dilemma to unravel here is the fact that the industries want to assess the long-term viability of an advertiser and a reader service, that is, the reader service card, which is a post-card size device that the readers use while requesting for further information from a specific advertiser. There is decreased tracking of the sources of the lead onto the use of the post-card device in the period 1998. The other critical aspect of this dilemma is the changing state of technology globally. This renders some trends in business field to be obsolete. This is evident through the Penton research results showing that there was no use of website access information by the various organizations within their ads in the 1992. Conversely, today the â€Å"contact us† icon entails e-mail addresses and other contact means that hasten the communication link between the organization and the general public. The step on the management questions requires that the management fully capitalize on the opportunity that arises. This best outlines the strategic positioning of the organization to tap and grasp the accessible opportunity within the market or the industry. The question that Penton’s research wants to resolve is how best the organization disseminates timely and adequate information to the customers. The essence of this is that there is a new paradigm shift in the industrial purchasing and thus changing approaches that would best fit the divergent consumer environment is most sufficient. This step finds the most reasonable actions that are at disposal towards tapping the advantageous edge of the opportunity presented. The respondents of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategic HR Approach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic HR Approach - Research Paper Example I will discuss some of the solutions that I use to settle down issues within my management enterprise. It will also address some issues in employee safety and benefits. As the head of human resources; I have to evaluate the available resources in relation to the personnel required. Environmental analysis, evaluation, and formulation are also necessary for effective performance (Armstrong & Baron, 2002: 70). 1) Health and security of workers At one time, an employee had cancer and had to be hospitalized for two months, which consumed all her finances and left her with hospital bills to clear. As the head of human resource, I had to issue a statement to the finance department for them to release the finances. This was going to be dependent on the nature of output that she gave the enterprise. Since her performance was an asset to the organization, she got the cash. The rewards comparison to effort determines the eligibility of the workers to the institution. Such individuals, who help the organization towards achieving its goal, the enterprise have the obligation to maintain them and integrate them into the institution (Sharma, 2009: 98). Before employing workers, they sign an employment contract that entitles them to interests and other flexibility offers. Such benefits help cater for the employee needs. The government has also come up with enactments to ensure that workers get friendly working terms (Armstrong, 2008: 154). As the human resource director, I have the obligation to recruit new staff to the enterprise, and hence there are considerations to make including academic competence and readiness to work in a competitive environment before taking in new staff. 2) Effective relations between workers and supervisors Strategic management helps the institution realize its objective by ensuring proper maintenance of the workers. A change with the supervisors seemed necessary. Nevertheless, on changing the supervisor, more accidents were reported and the supervis or complained that the workers output was considerably low. As the head of personnel, I had to find a solution to help us regain our output and to motivate our workers on their performance. The supervisor lacked the skills to motivate the workers to improve their performance, and he should have noted that the people working were older which affected their performance. Leaders should not exert unnecessary pressure causing confusions and disrupting workers (Armstrong, 2008: 147). For effective management, an individual needs to be keen, committed with excellent problem solving skills and well equipped with the knowledge to help in understanding personal responsibilities clearly. I had to instruct the supervisor on how to handle our staff to avoid further accidents, which were due to tension among the workers. By training, giving orders, and detailing in a manner of performance helped the organization retain back to its production quantities that the supervisor improved with time after learning how to handle the personnel. It was impossible to lose all the experienced workers in the enterprise and hence the only strategy was to resolve on how to maintain both (Armstrong & Armstrong, 2011: 310). 3) Equality Punctuality in the job is quite noteworthy, and all personnel are subject to the rules irrespective of their positions or relations in the enterprise

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Inquiring Minds Want to Know--Now Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Inquiring Minds Want to Know--Now - Case Study Example The Penton Media seeks to answer the question that is brainstorming within the business magazines in the industry Week, Restaurant Hospitality and Machine Design in respect to the decline of the use of publication reader service cards. The dilemma to unravel here is the fact that the industries want to assess the long-term viability of an advertiser and a reader service, that is, the reader service card, which is a post-card size device that the readers use while requesting for further information from a specific advertiser. There is decreased tracking of the sources of the lead onto the use of the post-card device in the period 1998. The other critical aspect of this dilemma is the changing state of technology globally. This renders some trends in business field to be obsolete. This is evident through the Penton research results showing that there was no use of website access information by the various organizations within their ads in the 1992. Conversely, today the â€Å"contact us† icon entails e-mail addresses and other contact means that hasten the communication link between the organization and the general public. The step on the management questions requires that the management fully capitalize on the opportunity that arises. This best outlines the strategic positioning of the organization to tap and grasp the accessible opportunity within the market or the industry. The question that Penton’s research wants to resolve is how best the organization disseminates timely and adequate information to the customers. The essence of this is that there is a new paradigm shift in the industrial purchasing and thus changing approaches that would best fit the divergent consumer environment is most sufficient. This step finds the most reasonable actions that are at disposal towards tapping the advantageous edge of the opportunity presented. The respondents of the

Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Charles Dickens Essay Belle says: Our contract is an old one. It was made when we were both poor and content to be so Dickens shows that they were content when they were poor. You are changed. When it was made you were another man. Dickens shows that since Scrooge has got wealthy he has changed. Dickens uses Italics on are to show that Belle is very certain that Scrooge has changed. Belle continues saying that Scrooge has changed and also that he was different when he was poor. Dickens uses this to show Scrooge how he has changed and that he was different before. Belle also says: But if you were free today Can even I believe that you would choose a dowerless girl-you who in your very confidence with her, weigh everything by Gain Dickens uses this sentence to show that Scrooge would not be with Belle if she wasnt rich. Belle then says, A very, very brief time, and you will dismiss the recollection of it gladly, as an unprofitable dream This implies that because this event isnt profitable, Scrooge will forget about it quickly and From which it happened well that you awoke. Implies that he thinks it is good that he can forget about it leave it without any loss. The second incident involves 3 people trading Scrooges belongings after he is dead in the 4 stave. Firstly Dickens describes the narrow, haunted streets that the ghost takes Scrooge by using adjectives such as, Naked, drunken, slipshod, ugly. Dickens uses many adjectives at a time throughout this book to help better describe the scene. He is persuading the reader that where the ghost and Scrooge are visiting isnt pleasant. Dickens describes the shop as, Den of, infamous resort, there was a lowbrowed, beetling shop below a penthouse roof, where iron, old rags, bottles, bones, and greasy offal were bought. Objects in which we would not really want to purchase and these objects imply hideousness into the scene. Dickens keeps the reader guessing because the conversation the three people are having starts off by not telling too much information and shows that this affair is frequent in occurrence. The woman gives a clue to the reader by saying, Thats enough. Whos the worse for the loss of a few things like these? Not a dead man, I suppose? Immediately the reader figures out that these people are talking about a dead man. The woman describes the dead man as a Wicked old screw. The reader gets a little bit more information on who the dead man is and dickens uses these techniques to keep the reader guessing. The people are sarcastic and cold; these features make the reader despise these people. The woman says something that provokes scrooge into thinking that they could be talking about him, This is the end of it, you see! He frightened everyone away from him when he was alive, to profit us when he was dead! There is irony here because it shows all the money Scrooge greedily gathered was of no purpose or use because he is dead. Scrooge starts to realize that they could be talking about him. My third incident is where the ghost takes Scrooge to the graveyard and shown his own tombstone, this incident is also in the fourth stave. Dickens starts describing the graveyard by calling it A worthy place which is ironic because this graveyard is not looked after and is a place where people are buried and then forgotten. Dickens carries on describing it: Walled in by houses; choked up with too much burying; fat with repleted appetite. A worthy place. Again Dickens describes it as A worthy place and describing the graveyard as an unvisited place. Dickens shows that Scrooge wasnt looked after well and just forgotten after he died. Dickens starts to create tension: Scrooge crept towards it, trembling The reader is caught up in the tension reading on to find out whos name is on the tombstone. Dickens still describes everything: Neglected grave Suddenly Scrooge realizes everything and is showing despair: Am I that man who lay upon the bed? he cried upon his knees. He is desperate and shocks the ghost: Tight clutching at its robe Scrooge begins to show signs of change and declares: I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. Dickens uses language brilliantly by Scrooge saying that he Will honour and also that he Will live He is making a strong statement that he will change. In a desperate plea he asks the Ghost, Oh, tell me I may sponge away the writing on this stone! Dickens still is creating tension and is further showing Scrooges anxiety: In his agony Dickens creates a tension cliffhanger and leaves the reader guessing and wondering, has Scrooge been saved? In my conclusion this novel is a masterpiece in which Charles Dickens creates a simple story that is easy to understand and follow. Dickens uses many adjectives in one go to best describe an object. He creates a great amount of tension in this book and manages to keep the story warm and exciting. His clever use of language ensures the reader is always kept guessing but interested.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Feasibility study for adidas clothing stores

Feasibility study for adidas clothing stores This feasibility study for the clothing shop, that is Adidas stores, was conducted over a period of 3 months, from June to September, 2010. The business would operate as a sport brand and located in the most famous business circle, Victoria square, as research and surveys conducted during the feasibility research period indicate that the sport brand and the site would be the most profitable way. The goals of the clothing shop are varied, including satisfying the consumers need, making a profit and consolidate the status of Adidas. And the main mission of the clothing shop is to provide a place and service for local consumers to get high quality sport clothing and make their life more convenient. The feasibility research report contains the 4P analysis, that is, the product, price, promotion, place are analyzed. The strength and competition of the clothing shop are also researched. 2.0 Products and Services 2.1 Products and services description This clothing shop sells Adidas brand sports clothing, offers an excellent environment and service for consumers, and shows a kind of taste and experience an emotion. The aim of the clothing shop is to make it become a good place for leisure shopping. 2.2 Resources and technology Clothing store is a demanding profession requires the size and grade of the industry, products and services, after all, it is a high consumption, the consumer must care the fully reflection of their consumption value. To achieve this, there is a very high demand on the resources of investors, and technology. Joining the brand make it access to sufficient resources, advanced equipment and technology, and importantly, on the other hand, it can avoid a lot of risks. 2.3 Future products and services plans With the shops development and changes in the surrounding environment, the products and services will continue to improve, including more comprehensive new products, better quality and personalized service. The shop will continuously improve under the support of Adidas brand and its own efforts. 3.0 Project Site and Construction Conditions 3.1 Project site The city is a popular one which hosts international and domestic sporting events, such as cricket, South Australia Golf championship, classic car race, bike race. The site is determined at Victoria Square, a famous commercial circle. A survey  [1]  conducted there indicates that people here are willing to buy the product of Adidas, and the percentage of items are shown in figure 1. Figure 1 Market survey 3.2 Construction conditions Economic conditions Adelaides economy is mainly manufacturing, military and research. The city has large manufacturing, military and research area. Holden car, Mitsubishi Group has manufacturing plants in Adelaide, the city also has health equipment and electronic components plant. About half of the cars produced in Australia come from Adelaide  [2]  . Australias largest oil company and the famous brewery is located in Adelaide, its per capita economic growth is higher than the Australian average  [3]  . Adelaide is Australias major arsenal, 70% military industrial company in Australia is located in Adelaide, and its gross domestic product reaches 10 billion Australian dollars. Natural conditions Adelaide is a Mediterranean climate, warm and rainy in winter and drying in summer  [4]  . Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average high temperature °C ( °F) 27.8 (82) 28.4 (83.1) 25.4 (77.7) 22.0 (71.6) 18.7 (65.7) 15.8 (60.4) 15.0 (59) 16.0 (60.8) 18.1 (64.6) 20.9 (69.6) 23.7 (74.7) 26.0 (78.8) Average low temperature  °C ( °F) 15.9 (60.6) 16.2 (61.2) 14.5 (58.1) 11.7 (53.1) 9.7 (49.5) 7.6 (45.7) 7.1 (44.8) 7.7 (45.9) 9.0 (48.2) 10.7 (51.3) 12.8 (55) 14.7 (58.5) Precipitation mm (inch) 20.0 (0.787) 18.3 (0.72) 24.3 (0.957) 36.8 (1.449) 48.9 (1.925) 56.9 (2.24) 64.2 (2.528) 52.5 (2.067) 49.9 (1.965) 43.5 (1.713) 22.7 (0.894) 24.6 (0.969) Figure 2 Average data of Adelaide airport Traffic conditions Adelaide is the important traffic intersection of Australias east-west and north-south direction. The road is always better than many other Australian cities. Adelaides with a name of 20-minute city because the car can reach from the suburbs to the city center within 20 minutes  [5]  . Adelaide International Airport is Australias newest and most advanced airport. 3.3 Supplies Consumption of major materials According to the project scale, this project needs all kinds of garments, including T-shirts, jackets, shorts, pants, shoes, etc., and the annual consumption is shown in the following table. No. Material Unit Annual consumption 1 T-shirts piece 30910 2 Jackets piece 79080 3 Shorts pair 20450 4 Pants pair 54770 5 Shoes pair 76920 Figure 3 Annual consumption of materials (2) Sources of major materials All kinds of raw and auxiliary materials required for the project are internal stock, and hence the supply is adequate. (3) Quality requirment of major materials All the materials needed in the shop is checked according the corresponding standard, and satisfies the need of consumers to assure the product quality. 3.4 Logistics The company is equipped with sufficient storage space, which can be used to solve the storage needs of finished and packing materials  [6]  . Raw materials in warehouse are divided by batch, and establish a strict regime of materials distribution to prevent mixing batches. Transport system adopts advanced third party logistics, which is quick, convenient and cost-saving. 4.0 Investment Objectives and Tasks 4.1 Investment objective Become a leading sports clothing brand in the region, and make it a fashion consumer sites. 3 years to recover the total investment cost, and gradually start making profits. 4.2 Investment tasks (1) Stabilize capital, implement an ideal investment channels for investors and provide them with a stable and reasonable income. (2) Successfully complete the construction and development of brand stores, and gradually make the capital investment to generate income. (3) Use the existing sites to upgrade Adidas brand, increase brand awareness and customer amount to achieve mutually profit. 4.3 The key to success (1) The good cooperation of investors and owners, and the best combination advantages of both resources. (2) Sufficient market demand, active and effective campaign. (3) The location of the grasp. Clothing store is in the address of beauty and in a business circle. 5.0 The Market Analysis 5.1 The market demand Our consumer demand is still relatively ample. On the one hand, there are stable and old customers, on the other hand, there are beautiful natural and relatively stable business district. (1) Stability of the old client resources. This part of the consumer is the natural client resources after the completion of the new brand stores. When they face more appeal, better products and services of the brand stores, they will continually become the loyal customers of the brand. The residential area Enterprises in the region Schools in the region In general, the target consumers are sufficient, but here there is a lack of brand appeal on the scale of the clothing store, we shop here just to fill this market gap. 5.2 Industry development trends (1) The clothing market is growing rapidly  [7]  , and it has become a major trend of consumption, the market early training has ended. (2) The taste of the consumer is becoming increasingly high. The culture charm is the charm of the market. Consumers are starting to cognitive clothing brand, clothing style and know how to enjoy the fun. The rapid development of sports clothing market is closely related to the natural sport interest of the consumer. (3) Education level, family income and frequency of exercise show a significant positive correlation  [8]  . (4) The competition within the industry and associated industries is increasingly intense. There are more and more clothing stores in the city. Meanwhile, other brands of sports clothing are all relevant alternatives. 5.3 Competition comparisons (1) Indirect competition with the strong brand stores. Currently the city has more than 10 sports clothing stores, of which the largest competitor of Adidas, Nike, 4. Peripheral consumer source will be diverted by these indirect competitors. (2) Direct competitors. Some of the other sports clothing in the region is the direct competitors. Their size is not too large, but they have some characteristics, price and quality are good. These stores still have a certain competition. However, peer competition situation, mainly small-scale, has a certain personality clothing store in the region, is good for us. In contrast, our shop has a considerable advantage on brand appeal, management level, product and service quality, scale and finance. The fashion and taste of the clothing shop determine its share of emotional consumption, and consumers are very concerned about the brand and grade factors. This can also explain the large number of consumers prefer to find clothing store downtown. 6.0 Promotion Strategy 6.1 Market strategy Target market The target market contains the regions consumers in the business district, with monthly income of 1,000 $A. The majority are well-educated, and they pursuit fashion and taste, mainly youngster and the middle-aged. Marketing planning Utilize the brand and resources advantages, and establish rapidly the popularity and reputation of Adidas to solid the old consumer source, getting back the consumers attracted by strong brand stores and local specialty shops. Although the Adidas brand is strong, this region is likely to have other strong brand clothing store in the future. Therefore, we must use all the opportunities and resources now, making a good service marketing and more personalized service, build our own brand to consolidate the customer loyalty. 6.2 Promotion The most important thing is to make the shop known by the consumers nearby as quickly as possible. (1) Advertising For district residents, deliver fine single-page advertisement and small gifts, one-page form can also be made the form of discount vouchers. (2) Event marketing Hold student party and reading activities. Contact the Universitys student union and several important regional organizations; hold a number of salon parties and school activities and this is helpful in raising quality to attract students and young consumers. When the time is ripe, we can also organize an activity with movement and life as the theme of the essay writing. (3) Service marketing Besides brand identity, service for clothing is also important to consumers. To do this, more personalized service is needed. Establish membership card. Members name is printed on the card, such as bank card. Membership card discount rate was not high, such as 9.8 fold. However, on the one hand, it can give consumers a sense of respectability, and on the other hand, it is easy for attendant to call the consumers. Especially if consumers and other people are together, and the attendants can publicly call him (her) Mr. (Miss), they will feel they are respected and welcomed. (4) Personalized service Put some promotional materials in the table, and the content of which is about the knowledge and stories of the Adidas. On the one hand, it can enhance the taste and the atmosphere, and on the other hand, it can increase the favorable impression of consumers. For many consumers who come together, we can explain the brand with specialized person. If they are interested, you can introduce the brand name, the origin and other relevant knowledge to them. 7.0 Financial Plan 7.1 Financial overview No. Name Amount ($A) 1 Rent 650,000 / year 2 Joining fees 200 00/ year 3 Decoration and reconstruction 60 000 4 Salaries 40,000 / month 5 Water and electricity 10,000 / month 6 Other costs 10,000 / month 7 Other charges 50 000 Figure 4 Financial overview 7.2 Device configuration No. Device type Name Quantity Unit price ($A) Total price ($A) 1 Business equipment Container 2 1200 2400 2 TV 2 6000 12000 3 Computer 2 4000 8000 4 Sofa 3 5000 15000 5 Cash register 2 3000 6000 6 Office Equipment Air conditioner 3 3000 9000 7 telephone 2 200 400 8 Fax machine 1 1500 1500 9 Printer 1 1500 1500 Total 18 55880 Figure 5 Device configuration expenditure

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparing Destruction in Steinbecks Flight and Londons To Build a Fir

Journey to Destruction in Steinbeck's Flight and London's To Build a Fire Not many people have to face death in the cold wasteland of the Arctic or rugged mountains of California, but Pepe and "the man" do. Although the ironic destruction of Pepe and the man were caused by relentless forces of nature, their attitudes and reasons for going on their journeys differed. The setting in both stories consisted of extreme climate and conditions. In Flight the climate was desert hot during the day and chilling cold at night. "The Torres family had their farm, a few sloping acres above a cliff that dropped to the brown reefs and to the hissing white waters of the ocean. Behind the farm the stone mountains stood up against the sky." Pepe spent his last days in the mountains where the conditions were harsh. "His throat was almost closed with thirst. He crawled into the heavy brush feeling with his fingers for water. "There was no water in the bed of the stream, only damp earth." In contrast, the climate in "To Build a Fire" was frigidly cold. "Day had broken cold and gray, ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Film American Beauty Essay -- Movie Films American Beauty Essays

The Film American Beauty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In life, everyone must make choices. Choices give an individual the freedom to decide the path which they will follow. In the movie American Beauty, each of the characters has a choice he or she needs to make. The main character, Lester Burnham, is faced with many choices that could either lead to his ultimate happiness or draw him further into his despair. Carolyn Burnham, Lester's wife, is faced with a loveless marriage that exists only because she does not possess the willingness to break the cycle. This cycle involves protecting their daughter by staying married. In reality, children of a marriage such as this are often the biggest victims of this sham. Jane Burnham is Lester and Carolyn's daughter. She is caught between the two of them, and her decision is to tune her parents out. Ricky Fitts, the boy next door, makes his choice of knowing when to cooperate with his father. Ricky's dad, Colonel Fitts, makes his choice of finally admitting of his sexual prefer ence. Angela Hayes, Jane's friend, makes her choice of losing her virginity to Lester. Each character has to learn how to deal with his or her own problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lester Burnham is in a state of despair. Lester's dull and monotonous voice introduces the audience to his daily routine of life. At the age of 42 he has become sympathetic to everything. He realizes that his family life is the "pits" as he becomes aware that both his wife and daughter consider him a gigantic loser. He feels they are right about this. He believes he has lost something and that he did not always feel this sedated. Lester's disheartenment is symbolic in the car scene. Lester sits slouched down in the back seat with a look of emptiness while his daughter sits up front next to his wife, who is driving the car. Carolyn drives the car just as she drives the family, especially, Lester. She has evolved into the decision-maker and leader of the Burnham family. Sitting in the backseat, Lester avoids further conflict with his wife, leading him to become an even unhappier and more desperate person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lester's life at work is no better than his life at home. After fourteen years at a job, that is viewed by Lester as nothing more than being a corporate slave at a media marketing magazine, Lester is asked by an efficiency expert at work to write a memo justifying his position. In Lester's ... ... Health 29 June 2001:11-26. Berardinelli, James. "A Film Review, American Beauty." September 15, 1999. [Online] Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Drug Statistics." October 2000. [Online] Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ebert, Roger. "Review, American Beauty." September 14, 2001. [Online] Available "Family Violence Statistics." September 18, 2001. [Online] Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "How to Survive Infidelity." September 14, 2001. [Online] Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Marijuana 13551." January 22, 2001. [Online] Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Nationwide Trends 13567." February 15, 2001. [Online] Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Payne, Robert. "Reel Review, American Beauty." September 14, 2001. [Online] Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know. Publication No. 98-4036. November 1998.